Back to One

For years, I was a part of my middle and high school’s television news networks. By my senior year, I was running the program, and I decided that it was time to shake things up. I created an “SNL” style sketch comedy show that would take the place of the news broadcast every other Friday. It was called “Back to One,” and it was a hit.

The series was an instant success and received outstanding reviews from the student body and faculty.

“Back to One is possible the greatest thing to ever happen to [our school].” - Valarie Fiore, Twitter, GVHS Student

“GV is the best! Every school has GOT TO WATCH BACK TO ONE!!” - Lauren Rodriguez, Twitter, GVHS Student

I wrote, directed, edited, starred in, and marketed the series, with the help of a small cast and crew that I selected. Producing “Back to One” is to this day some of the most fun I’ve ever had.

Watch some of my favorite episodes below!


Foster Bears

